SAFe® Platinum SPCT Partner

We are the lea­ding Pla­ti­num SPCT Part­ner for your SAFe® (Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work) trans­for­ma­ti­on. If you want to si­gni­fi­cant­ly and sus­tain­ab­ly im­pro­ve the ad­ded va­lue in your com­pa­ny, we would be ex­ci­ting to sup­port you with the in­tro­duc­tion of lean-agi­le me­thods such as SAFe, Scrum and Kanban.

With our SAFe trai­ning, coa­ching and con­sul­ting, we help you to achie­ve a suc­cessful agi­le im­ple­men­ta­ti­on. With our sup­port, you can se­cu­re sus­tainable be­ne­fits and ef­fec­ti­ve im­pro­ve­ments in to­pics such as:
  • Va­lue stream optimisation
  • Shorter Time-To-Mar­ket of pro­duct development
  • Hig­her em­ployee sa­tis­fac­tion and motivation

Our ran­ge of ser­vices aims to es­tab­lish the ne­ces­sa­ry Lean-Agi­le mind­set in your com­pa­ny. If you are in­te­res­ted in one of our next trai­ning cour­ses, we would be very hap­py to work with you!