Flight Level 3 Design (FL3D)

Build your Flight Levels System

  • FL3D — Flight Le­vel 3 De­sign: Flight le­vels for lin­king stra­tegy to implementation

FL3D remote training registration

At the mo­ment the­re are no plan­ned Flight Le­vel 3 De­sign (FL3D) re­mo­te trainings.

FL3D on-site training registration

At the mo­ment the­re are no plan­ned Flight Le­vel 3 De­sign (FL3D) on-site trainings.

Flight Level in-house training

Are you in­te­res­ted in an in-house trai­ning? Plea­se cont­act us by sen­ding an e‑mail to academy@flowsphere.ch.
We’ll send you an of­fer as soon as possible!

Flight Levels Experience — challenges and root causes

  • The­re is a stra­tegy for the next th­ree ye­ars, em­ployees are working on weekly work packa­ges and the­re is a lot of emp­tin­ess in between?
  • You in­vest a lot of time to crea­te OKRs and you have litt­le time left for work?
  • The con­tent of the stra­tegy and the work rea­li­ty of the em­ployees are far away from each other?
  • The stra­tegy is im­portant and yet the­re is hard­ly any time to work on stra­te­gic issues?

The main pro­blem is the lack of con­nec­ti­vi­ty bet­ween the stra­tegy and the im­ple­men­ting teams.

Course content

This work­shop will help you turn the stra­tegy into reality.
Learn how to de­fi­ne ef­fec­ti­ve out­co­mes and how to trans­la­te out­co­mes into ac­tion in a world of de­pen­den­ci­es and specialists.

Target audience

Ope­ra­tio­na­liza­ti­on of the stra­tegy, ope­ra­tio­nal and stra­te­gic port­fo­lio management:
  • Port­fo­lio Manager
  • Midd­le and se­ni­or management
  • Pro­duct managers
  • Agi­le coaches



Price and course registration

You can re­gis­ter on­line for the Flight Le­vel trai­nings. Use the re­gis­tra­ti­on form for the ap­pro­pria­te cour­se date (see links to the dif­fe­rent courses).

  • The cour­ses take place re­mo­te­ly or on-site.
  • The cos­ts per par­ti­ci­pant are CHF 1’950.- (excl. VAT).
  • Ear­ly bird dis­count un­til 4 weeks be­fo­re the cour­se: 15%
  • For par­ti­ci­pan­ts from the Eu­ro­pean Com­mu­ni­ty, the in­voice will be is­sued in Euro (EUR) at the dai­ly ex­ch­an­ge rate, if the cour­se has not al­re­a­dy been quo­ted in Euro.

Plea­se cont­act us for group dis­counts (from 3 per­sons up­wards) or re­quest a quote/offer for an in-house course.