SAFe for Architects (ARCH)

Du­ring this th­ree-day cour­se, at­ten­de­es will ex­plo­re the ro­les, re­spon­si­bi­li­ties, and mind­set of Agi­le Ar­chi­tects, and app­re­cia­te how to ali­gn ar­chi­tec­tu­re with busi­ness va­lue and dri­ve con­ti­nuous flow to lar­ge sys­tems of sys­tems while sup­port­ing SAFe pro­gram exe­cu­ti­on. Enable con­ti­nuous va­lue flow by alig­ning tech­ni­cal stra­tegy with busi­ness goals, com­mu­ni­ca­ting that stra­tegy to de­ve­lo­p­ment teams, and ap­p­ly­ing Agi­le ar­chi­tec­tu­re practices.

At­ten­de­es can im­pro­ve col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and ali­gnment in a SAFe Lean-Agi­le en­ter­pri­se when they be­co­me a SAFe® Ar­chi­tect. The SAFe® for Ar­chi­tects cour­se pre­pa­res Sys­tem, So­lu­ti­on, and En­ter­pri­se Ar­chi­tects to en­ga­ge across the or­ga­niza­ti­on as ef­fec­ti­ve lea­ders and ch­an­ge agents who col­la­bo­ra­tively de­li­ver ar­chi­tec­tu­ral so­lu­ti­ons. At­ten­ding the class pre­pa­res you to take the exam and be­co­me a cer­ti­fied SAFe® Ar­chi­tect (ARCH).

Price and registration

The cos­ts are CHF 2,695 excl. VAT. In ad­di­ti­on, ear­ly boo­kers re­cei­ve a 5% dis­count. Re­gis­tra­ti­on ta­kes place via the ap­pro­pria­te trai­ning date of your choice. The cour­se link or but­ton will then take you to the re­gis­tra­ti­on page.

ARCH training registration

SAFe for Ar­chi­tects (ARCH 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 28. Apr, 8:30Wed, 30. Apr, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Ste­phan Neck SPCT
SAFe for Ar­chi­tects (ARCH 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 23. Jun, 8:30Wed, 25. Jun, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Fre­de­rik Zim­mer­mann SPC
SAFe for Ar­chi­tects (ARCH 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 17. Nov, 8:30Wed, 19. Nov, 17:00 CET 
Trai­ner: Sacha Czu­dek SPCT

ARCH in-house training

If you are in­te­res­ted in in-house trai­ning, plea­se cont­act us at We will make you an of­fer immediately!

Learning Goals SAFe Architect (ARCH) training

Af­ter this cour­se, you should be able to:
  • Ar­chi­tect using SAFe principles
  • Ali­gn ar­chi­tec­tu­re with busi­ness value
  • De­ve­lop and com­mu­ni­ca­te ar­chi­tec­tu­re vi­si­on and intent
  • Plan ar­chi­tec­tu­ral run­way to enable de­li­very success
  • Ar­chi­tect for con­ti­nuous de­li­very and Re­lease on Demand
  • Lead and coach ar­chi­tects and team mem­bers du­ring Pro­gram In­cre­ment (PI) Plan­ning and execution
  • Pro­vi­de lea­der­ship du­ring a Lean-Agi­le transformation

Topics covered

  • Ex­em­pli­fy­ing Lean-Agi­le architecture
  • Ar­chi­tec­ting for De­vOps and Re­lease on Demand
  • Alig­ning ar­chi­tec­tu­re with busi­ness value
  • De­ve­lo­ping So­lu­ti­on Vi­si­on, So­lu­ti­on In­tent, and Roadmaps
  • Pre­pa­ring ar­chi­tec­tu­re for Pro­gram In­cre­ment (PI) Planning
  • Coor­di­na­ting ar­chi­tec­tu­re th­roug­hout PI Planning
  • Sup­port­ing Con­ti­nuous De­li­very du­ring PI execution
  • Sup­port­ing new Stra­te­gic The­mes and Va­lue Streams
  • Lea­ding as an ar­chi­tect du­ring a Lean-Agi­le transformation

What Attendees Get

The class re­gis­tra­ti­on includes:
  • At­ten­dee workbooks
  • Eli­gi­bi­li­ty to take the SAFe® 5 Ar­chi­tect (ARCH) exam
  • One-year mem­ber­ship to the SAFe Com­mu­ni­ty Platform
  • Cour­se cer­ti­fi­ca­te of completion

Audience, who will benefit?

This cour­se tar­gets to fol­lo­wing tech­ni­cal con­tri­bu­tors who wants to un­der­stand their role in a Lean-Agi­le enterprise:
  • Sys­tem, So­lu­ti­on, and En­ter­pri­se architects
  • Ar­chi­tects in sup­port­ing tech­ni­cal disciplines
  • Ex­pe­ri­en­ced soft­ware developers
  • Tech­ni­cal ma­na­gers ma­king ar­chi­tec­tu­ral decisions
  • Pro­duct lea­ders col­la­bo­ra­ting with architects

Ma­na­gers, and others with a less tech­ni­cal back­ground would also be very be­ne­fi­ci­al as they would gain an un­der­stan­ding of the de­ve­lo­p­ment pro­cess so that team col­la­bo­ra­ti­on will be­co­me more effective.

The cour­se is also ap­pro­pria­te for in­di­vi­du­als de­si­ring a deeper view into how ar­chi­tec­tu­re en­ables con­ti­nuous va­lue flow and how ar­chi­tects en­ga­ge in, and con­tri­bu­te to, a Lean-Agi­le enterprise.


Tho­se who at­tend this cour­se should be fa­mi­li­ar with Agi­le prin­ci­ples and prac­ti­ces and must have at­ten­ded at least one SAFe cour­se pri­or to at­ten­ding this one.

SAFe® Certification

At­ten­ding the class pre­pa­res you to take the on­line exam and be­co­me a cer­ti­fied SAFe® Ar­chi­tect (ARCH). At­ten­de­es who pass the exam will receive:
  • A SAFe Ar­chi­tect certificate
  • A SAFe 5 Ar­chi­tect di­gi­tal badge to pro­mo­te your ac­com­plish­ment online
  • 1 year cer­ti­fied mem­ber­ship as a SAFe Ar­chi­tect, which in­cludes ac­cess to the ARCH Com­mu­ni­ty of Practice
  • Ac­cess to a va­rie­ty of lear­ning re­sour­ces to sup­port cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sio­nals du­ring their SAFe journey