Agile Product Management (APM)

This th­ree-day Agi­le Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment cour­se harnes­ses the power of De­sign Thin­king to de­ve­lop in­no­va­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons with pro­ven SAFe ca­pa­bi­li­ties to exe­cu­te on tho­se vi­si­ons. Dis­co­ver and ap­p­ly the mind­set, skills, and tools you need to crea­te suc­cessful pro­ducts and so­lu­ti­ons that are de­si­ra­ble, via­ble, fe­a­si­ble, and sus­tainable. Learn the right mind­set, skills, and tools to crea­te suc­cessful products—from in­cep­ti­on to retirement—using Agi­le techniques.

Re­co­gni­ze how Con­ti­nuous Ex­plo­ra­ti­on fuels in­no­va­ti­on and helps you de­fi­ne a vi­si­on, stra­tegy, and road­map to tap into new mar­kets. Find out how to ac­ce­le­ra­te the pro­duct life cy­cle to get fast feed­back and quick­ly de­li­ver ex­cep­tio­nal pro­ducts and so­lu­ti­ons that de­light customers—all while alig­ning with your organization’s stra­tegy, port­fo­lio, evol­ving ar­chi­tec­tu­re, and so­lu­ti­on in­tent. At­ten­ding the class pre­pa­res you to take the exam and be­co­me a cer­ti­fied SAFe® Agi­le Pro­duct Ma­na­ger (APM).

Price and registration

The cos­ts are CHF 2,695 excl. VAT. In ad­di­ti­on, ear­ly boo­kers re­cei­ve a 5% dis­count. Re­gis­tra­ti­on ta­kes place via the ap­pro­pria­te trai­ning date of your choice. The cour­se link or but­ton will then take you to the re­gis­tra­ti­on page.

APM training registration

Agi­le Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment (APM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 16. Jun, 8:30Wed, 18. Jun, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Fre­de­rik Zim­mer­mann SPCT
Agi­le Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment (APM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 20. Oct, 8:30Wed, 22. Oct, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Ste­phan Neck SPCT

APM in-house training

If you are in­te­res­ted in in-house trai­ning, plea­se cont­act us at We will make you an of­fer immediately!

Learning goals Agile Product Management (APM)

Af­ter this cour­se, you should be able to:
  • Use De­sign Thin­king to achie­ve de­si­ra­ble, fe­a­si­ble, and sus­tainable outcomes
  • Ex­plo­re mar­ket needs, seg­men­ta­ti­on, si­zing, and com­pe­ti­ti­ve landscape
  • Ma­na­ge va­lue stream eco­no­mics, in­clu­ding pri­cing and licensing
  • Use em­pa­thy to dri­ve design
  • Ap­p­ly pro­duct stra­tegy and vision
  • De­ve­lop and evol­ve roadmaps
  • Exe­cu­te and de­li­ver va­lue using SAFe
  • Ex­plo­re in­no­va­ti­on in the va­lue stream

Topics covered

At­ten­de­es will re­co­gni­ze how Con­ti­nuous Ex­plo­ra­ti­on fuels in­no­va­ti­on and helps you de­fi­ne a vi­si­on, stra­tegy, and road­map to tap into new mar­kets. Find out how to ac­ce­le­ra­te the pro­duct life­cy­cle to get fast feed­back and quick­ly de­li­ver ex­cep­tio­nal pro­ducts and so­lu­ti­ons that de­light cus­to­mers – all while alig­ning with your organization’s stra­tegy, port­fo­lio, evol­ving ar­chi­tec­tu­re, and so­lu­ti­on intent.

What Attendees Get

The class re­gis­tra­ti­on includes:
  • At­ten­dee workbook
  • Cour­se cer­ti­fi­ca­te of completion
  • Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and eli­gi­bi­li­ty to take the SAFe® APM cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on exam
  • One-year mem­ber­ship to the SAFe Com­mu­ni­ty Platform
  • One cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on exam attempt

Audience, who will benefit?

This cour­se tar­gets to fol­lo­wing con­tri­bu­tors who wants to un­der­stand their role in a Lean-Agi­le enterprise:
  • Pro­duct ma­na­gers and di­rec­tors of pro­duct management
  • Pro­duct mar­ke­ting ma­na­gers, pro­ject ma­na­gers, Pro­duct Owners
  • VP of Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment, Busi­ness Ow­ners, Busi­ness Analysts
  • Pro­duct lea­ders col­la­bo­ra­ting with pro­duct ma­nage­ment, ar­chi­tects, sub­ject mat­ter ex­perts, and busi­ness line managers


At­ten­de­es of this cour­se should be fa­mi­li­ar with Agi­le prin­ci­ples and prac­ti­ces and have at­ten­ded at least one SAFe cour­se pri­or to at­ten­ding. A back­ground in pro­duct or so­lu­ti­on ma­nage­ment is high­ly recommended.

Tho­se who have ex­pe­ri­ence be­ing a pro­duct ma­na­ger, pro­duct mar­keter, pro­duct ow­ner, busi­ness ow­ner, or brin­ging pro­ducts to mar­ket would be­ne­fit from this course.

SAFe® Certification

At­ten­ding the class pre­pa­res you to take the on­line exam and be­co­me a cer­ti­fied SAFe® Agi­le Pro­duct and So­lu­ti­on Ma­nage­ment (APM). At­ten­de­es who pass the exam will receive:
  • A SAFe APM certificate
  • A SAFe APM di­gi­tal badge to pro­mo­te your ac­com­plish­ment online
  • 1 year cer­ti­fied mem­ber­ship as a Agi­le Pro­duct And So­lu­ti­on Ma­na­ger, which in­cludes ac­cess to the APSM Com­mu­ni­ty of Practice
  • Ac­cess to a va­rie­ty of lear­ning re­sour­ces to sup­port cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sio­nals du­ring their SAFe journey