Our services

As a lea­ding Swiss SAFe® Pla­ti­num SPCT Part­ner with ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in com­pa­ny-wide Agi­le trans­for­ma­ti­ons, you can rely on our pro­ven ex­per­ti­se in SAFe (Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work®), Scrum and Kan­ban, Flight Le­vels. We ac­com­pa­ny you with Coa­ching, Con­sul­ting and Trai­ning in your trans­for­ma­ti­on to a Lean-Agi­le or­ga­niza­ti­on. Ther­eby we sup­port you on all com­pa­ny le­vels, from Port­fo­lio and Pro­gram to Team level.
SPCT: SAFe® Pro­gram Con­sul­tant Trainer

Agile Transformation with SAFe

  • You would like to im­pro­ve the Va­lue Stream of your or­ga­niza­ti­on to a shorter Time-To-Market?
  • Rely on our know­ledge and ex­pe­ri­ence with SAFe, Scrum and Kanban.
  • Cont­act us!

SAFe Training

Flow Sphere+ Trainings

Agile Coaching

  • You al­re­a­dy have Agi­le Teams or would like to start with sin­gle teams? We sup­port you.
  • As pro­ven ex­perts we col­la­bo­ra­te with your teams to sup­port their ap­pli­ca­ti­on of the Lean-Agi­le prin­ci­ples and mindset.
  • Cont­act us