Implementing SAFe (SPC)

Du­ring this four-day cour­se, you will learn how to lead a Lean-Agi­le trans­for­ma­ti­on by le­ver­aging the prac­ti­ces and prin­ci­ples of the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work® (SAFe®).  You will also gain in­sights and prac­ti­ce how to coach ARTs, launch Agi­le Re­lease Trains, build a Con­ti­nuous De­li­very Pipe­line with De­vOps cul­tu­re, and em­power a Lean Port­fo­lio. The first two days of the cour­se Lea­ding SAFe pro­vi­de the ba­sis to teach SAFe to leaders.

The fi­nal two days fo­cus ex­clu­si­ve­ly on what it ta­kes to suc­cessful­ly im­ple­ment SAFe in the en­ter­pri­se. Be­co­ming a ch­an­ge agent and a Cer­ti­fied SAFe® Prac­ti­ce Con­sul­tant (SPC) en­ables at­ten­de­es to coach and gui­de the en­ter­pri­se toward suc­cess in a dis­rup­ti­ve mar­ket­place, and em­powers them to im­ple­ment a Lean-Agi­le SAFe transformation.

Price and registration

The cos­ts are CHF 2,995 excl. VAT. In ad­di­ti­on, ear­ly boo­kers re­cei­ve a 5% dis­count. Re­gis­tra­ti­on ta­kes place via the ap­pro­pria­te trai­ning date of your choice. The cour­se link or but­ton will then take you to the re­gis­tra­ti­on page.

SPC training registration

SPC in-house training

If you are in­te­res­ted in in-house trai­ning, plea­se cont­act us at We will make you an of­fer immediately!

Audience of this SAFe Practice Consultant training

The cour­se is in­ten­ded for tho­se who will be ma­te­ri­al­ly and di­rect­ly in­vol­ved in a SAFe ad­op­ti­on. This in­cludes en­ter­pri­se lea­ders, prac­ti­tio­ners, ch­an­ge agents, and con­sul­tants re­spon­si­ble for im­ple­men­ting Agi­le pro­grams and port­fo­li­os as part of an en­ter­pri­se Lean-Agi­le ch­an­ge initiative.

At­ten­de­es ty­pi­cal­ly include:
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vices Consultants
  • Busi­ness and Tech­no­lo­gy Exe­cu­ti­ves and Lea­ders, Ma­na­gers, Directors
  • Port­fo­lio Ma­na­gers and Fi­du­cia­ries, Project/Program Ma­nage­ment Of­fice (PMO) personnel
  • De­ve­lo­p­ment, QA and IT management
  • Pro­gram and Pro­ject Managers
  • Pro­duct and Pro­duct Line Managers
  • Pro­cess Leads and Life­cy­cle Go­ver­nan­ce Personnel
  • En­ter­pri­se, Sys­tem and So­lu­ti­on Architects
  • In­ter­nal Ch­an­ge Agents, Lean-Agi­le Cen­ter for Ex­cel­lence, Agi­le Working Group

Learning Goals of SPC training

Af­ter this cour­se, you should be able to

  • Lead an en­ter­pri­se Lean-Agi­le transformation
  • Im­ple­ment the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work (SAFe)
  • Im­ple­ment and ma­na­ge a Lean-Agi­le portfolio
  • Ali­gn the or­ga­niza­ti­on to a com­mon lan­guage and way of working
  • Per­form va­lue stream ana­ly­sis and iden­ti­fy va­lue streams
  • Launch and sup­port Agi­le Re­lease Trains and coor­di­na­te va­lue streams
  • Build and exe­cu­te the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on roll­out strategy
  • Con­fi­gu­re the Frame­work for a spe­ci­fic en­ter­pri­se context
  • Train ma­na­gers and exe­cu­ti­ves in Lea­ding SAFe and act as a SAFe Agi­list (SA) cer­ti­fy­ing agent (SPCs only)
  • Train teams in SAFe for Teams (S4T) and act as a SAFe Prac­ti­tio­ner (SP) cer­ti­fy­ing agent (SPCs only)

Topics Covered in this SAFe training

First two days: Lea­ding SAFe

  • In­tro­du­cing the Sca­led Agi­le Framework
  • Em­bra­cing a Lean-Agi­le Mindset
  • Un­der­stan­ding SAFe Principles
  • Im­ple­men­ting an Agi­le Re­lease Train
  • Ex­pe­ri­en­cing PI Planning
  • Exe­cu­ting and Re­leasing Value
  • Buil­ding an Agi­le Portfolio
  • Buil­ding Re­al­ly Big Systems
  • Lea­ding the Lean-Agi­le Enterprise
Last two days: Im­ple­men­ting SAFe
  • Rea­ching the SAFe Tip­ping Point
  • De­sig­ning the Implementation
  • Laun­ching an ART
  • Fa­ci­li­ta­ting ART Execution
  • Ex­ten­ding to the Portfolio
  • Un­der­stan­ding the SPC Exam
  • Ap­p­ly­ing your SPC Certification
  • Par­ti­ci­pa­ting in Open Space


All stake­hol­ders in a Lean-Agi­le trans­for­ma­ti­on are wel­co­me to at­tend the cour­se, re­gard­less of experience.

Ho­we­ver, the fol­lo­wing pre­re­qui­si­tes are high­ly re­com­men­ded for tho­se who in­tend to take the SPC cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on exam and ope­ra­te in the field as a SAFe Prac­ti­ce Consultant:
  • 5+ ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence in soft­ware de­ve­lo­p­ment, test­ing, busi­ness ana­ly­sis, pro­duct or pro­ject management
  • 3+ ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence in Agile
  • One or more re­le­vant Agi­le certifications

SAFe® Certification

At­ten­ding the class pre­pa­res you to take the SAFe Prac­ti­ce Con­sul­tant (SPC) exam. Tho­se who at­tain their SPC cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on will receive:

  • Ac­cess to li­cen­se the cour­se ma­te­ri­als nee­ded to train aspi­ring SAFe Agi­lists, SAFe Prac­ti­tio­ners, and SAFe PM/POs
  • Ac­cess to no-cost li­cen­se ma­te­ri­als, vi­de­os, and ar­ti­facts that sup­port laun­ching Agi­le Re­lease Trains
  • In­clu­si­on in the SPC di­rec­to­ry lis­ting (op­tio­nal)
  • Ac­cess to the pri­va­te SPC Lin­ke­dIn Group

Annual Renewal

Re­ne­wals are good for one full year from the date of cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and will require:
  • 160 hours of SPC consulting
  • Re­ne­wal fee: $995
  • 40 con­ti­nuing education/outreach hours
At­ten­de­es who pass the exam will receive:
  • An SPC certificate
  • Ac­cess to li­cen­se the cour­se ma­te­ri­als nee­ded to train SAFe Agi­lists, SAFe Prac­ti­tio­ners, and SAFe PM/POs
  • One-year cer­ti­fied mem­ber­ship as an SPC
  • SPC bran­ding kit with the SPC cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on mark