SAFe DevOps (SDP)

The two-day, in­ter­ac­ti­ve cour­se helps peo­p­le across tech­ni­cal, non-tech­ni­cal, and lea­der­ship ro­les work tog­e­ther to op­ti­mi­ze their va­lue stream from end to end. At­ten­de­es will learn what De­vOps (De­ve­lo­p­ment Va­lue Stream Map­ping) is, why it is im­portant to every role, and de­sign a con­ti­nuous de­li­very pipe­line that is tail­o­red to their busi­ness. To com­pe­te in a dis­rup­ti­ve glo­bal mar­ket, every or­ga­niza­ti­on needs to de­li­ver va­luable tech­no­lo­gy so­lu­ti­ons at the speed of busi­ness. This re­qui­res a shared De­vOps mind­set among all the peo­p­le nee­ded to de­fi­ne, build, test, de­ploy, and re­lease soft­ware-dri­ven sys­tems— not just the en­gi­neers ope­ra­ting a CI/CD pipeline.

At­ten­de­es work in cross­func­tion­al teams to map their cur­rent sta­te va­lue stream from con­cept to cash, iden­ti­fy ma­jor bot­t­len­ecks to flow, and build an ac­tionable im­ple­men­ta­ti­on plan that will ac­ce­le­ra­te the be­ne­fits of De­vOps in their or­ga­niza­ti­on. At­ten­ding the class pre­pa­res in­di­vi­du­als to take the exam and be­co­me a cer­ti­fied SAFe® De­vOps Prac­ti­tio­ner (SDP).

Price and registration

The cos­ts are CHF 1,450 excl. VAT. In ad­di­ti­on, ear­ly boo­kers re­cei­ve a 5% dis­count. Re­gis­tra­ti­on ta­kes place via the ap­pro­pria­te trai­ning date of your choice. The cour­se link or but­ton will then take you to the re­gis­tra­ti­on page.

SDP remote training registration

The­re are curr­ent­ly no SAFe De­vOps (SDP) trai­ning planned.

SDP in-house Training

If you are in­te­res­ted in an in-house trai­ning, plea­se cont­act us at


The fol­lo­wing in­di­vi­du­als will be­ne­fit from this course:
  • ART ro­les and ART teams
  • busi­ness owners
  • shared ser­vices

Topics Covered

  • In­tro­du­cing DevOps
  • Map­ping your Con­ti­nuous De­li­very Pipeline
  • Gai­ning ali­gnment with Con­ti­nuous Exploration
  • Buil­ding qua­li­ty with Con­ti­nuous Integration
  • Re­du­cing time-to-mar­ket with Con­ti­nuous Deployment
  • De­li­ve­ring Busi­ness Va­lue with Re­lease on Demand
  • Ta­king action

Learning Goals

Af­ter at­ten­ding the class, at­ten­de­es should be able to:
  • Ex­plain how De­vOps en­ables stra­te­gic busi­ness objectives
  • Ap­p­ly a CALMR ap­proach to De­vOps to avo­id au­to­ma­ting bro­ken processes
  • Un­der­stand how suc­cessful De­vOps re­qui­res con­ti­nuous ex­plo­ra­ti­on, con­ti­nuous in­te­gra­ti­on, con­ti­nuous de­ploy­ment, and the abili­ty to re­lease to end users on demand
  • In­cor­po­ra­te con­ti­nuous test­ing and con­ti­nuous se­cu­ri­ty into the de­li­very pipeline
  • Use va­lue stream map­ping to me­a­su­re flow and iden­ti­fy bot­t­len­ecks in the end-to-end de­li­very process
  • Sel­ect De­vOps skills and tools stra­te­gi­cal­ly for the fas­test, most com­pel­ling results
  • Prio­ri­ti­ze De­vOps so­lu­ti­ons and in­vest­ments for grea­test eco­no­mic benefit
  • De­sign and im­ple­ment a mul­ti-pha­sed De­vOps trans­for­ma­ti­on plan tail­o­red to their organization
  • Work with all ro­les and le­vels in the or­ga­niza­ti­on to con­ti­nu­al­ly op­ti­mi­ze the va­lue stream


Cour­se in Ger­man or Eng­lish, slides in Eng­lish. Ex­pe­ri­ence in agi­le ap­proach or exis­ting cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as SAFe Prac­ti­tio­ner is a benefit.

Online test and SAFe certification

The SAFe De­vOps Prac­ti­tio­ner cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is done on­line in English.
Par­ti­ci­pan­ts who pass this test receive:
  • SAFe De­vOps Prac­ti­tio­ner certification
  • 1 year mem­ber­ship as SAFe De­vOps Practitioner
  • SAFe SDP Bran­ding Kit with SDP cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on badge