SAFe for Hardware (HW)

SAFe for Hard­ware is a two-day cour­se that im­mer­ses par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the hard­ware in­dus­try and gi­ves them the op­por­tu­ni­ty to learn how to ad­apt SAFe to their in­dus­try using real-world ex­amp­les and hard­ware-spe­ci­fic con­text. It en­ables or­ga­niza­ti­ons to seam­less­ly in­te­gra­te SAFe prin­ci­ples into hard­ware de­ve­lo­p­ment, ac­ce­le­ra­te de­ploy­ment, and main­tain fle­xi­bi­li­ty while ma­na­ging the com­ple­xi­ty of lar­ge sys­tem designs.

Many or­ga­niza­ti­ons that de­ve­lop hard­ware-ba­sed so­lu­ti­ons face uni­que chal­lenges when at­temp­ting to ad­opt Lean-Agi­le prac­ti­ces. The gap bet­ween tra­di­tio­nal de­ve­lo­p­ment pro­ces­ses and mo­dern agi­le me­tho­do­lo­gies can seem over­whel­ming. To bridge this gap, par­ti­ci­pan­ts will gain the fol­lo­wing ac­tionable skills: ac­ce­le­ra­ting de­ve­lo­p­ment cy­cles, coll­ec­ting and re­spon­ding to feed­back quick­ly, and im­pro­ving fle­xi­bi­li­ty. The cour­se ser­ves as pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the SAFe® for Hard­ware (SH) certification.

Price and registration

The cos­ts are CHF 1,450 excl. VAT. In ad­di­ti­on, ear­ly boo­kers re­cei­ve a 5% dis­count. Re­gis­tra­ti­on ta­kes place via the ap­pro­pria­te trai­ning date of your choice. The cour­se link or but­ton will then take you to the re­gis­tra­ti­on page.

HW training registration

SAFe for Hard­ware (HW 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Thu, 26. Jun, 8:30Fri, 27. Jun, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Fre­de­rik Zim­mer­mann SPC

HW in-house training

If you are in­te­res­ted in in-house trai­ning, plea­se cont­act us at We will make you an of­fer immediately!

HW Content and learning objectives

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts will learn to im­ple­ment the fol­lo­wing skills:
  • Ac­ce­le­ra­ti­on of de­ve­lo­p­ment cycles
    Ac­ce­le­ra­te lear­ning and de­li­very and re­du­ce time to market.
  • Quick feed­back
    Quick­ly coll­ect and re­spond to tech­ni­cal, mar­ket and user feed­back to re­fi­ne pro­ducts and processes.
  • Im­pro­ved flexibility
    Ad­apt to ch­an­ge quick­ly and ef­fi­ci­ent­ly and en­su­re teams can pi­vot when needed.
  • Im­pro­ved col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and communication
    Streng­then team­work bet­ween en­gi­neers and stake­hol­ders for more ef­fec­ti­ve workflows.
  • Proac­ti­ve risk management
    Ear­ly risk de­tec­tion and mi­ti­ga­ti­on sa­ves mo­ney and in­crea­ses efficiency.
  • Con­ti­nuous Compliance
    In­te­gra­te com­pli­ance seam­less­ly into de­ve­lo­p­ment pro­ces­ses wi­t­hout slo­wing progress.
  • Sup­pli­er in­te­gra­ti­on into agi­le practices
    Ali­gn sup­pli­ers with agi­le work­flows for bet­ter coor­di­na­ti­on and delivery.

What else do you get?

If you par­ti­ci­pa­te, you will receive:

  • Elec­tro­nic and, if re­ques­ted, prin­ted work documents
  • Aut­ho­riza­ti­on to take the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on exam
  • Con­fir­ma­ti­on of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on upon request

Target audience, who will benefit from it?

This cour­se is ai­med at the fol­lo­wing tar­get audience:
  • En­gi­neers (me­cha­ni­cal, elec­tri­cal, etc.) who want to ap­p­ly a Lean-Agi­le ap­proach to their cur­rent practices.
  • Sys­tem en­gi­neers, pro­duct ma­na­gers and pro­gram ma­na­gers re­spon­si­ble for de­li­ve­ring hard­ware-ba­sed solutions.
  • En­gi­nee­ring and de­ve­lo­p­ment ma­na­gers re­spon­si­ble for agi­le exe­cu­ti­on and coa­ching teams, in­clu­ding team of teams.
  • En­gi­nee­ring lea­ders and ma­na­gers who want to in­tro­du­ce Lean-Agi­le prac­ti­ces in their organizations.


Ever­yo­ne is wel­co­me to take the cour­se. The­re are no pre­re­qui­si­tes. Pre­vious know­ledge of Agi­le prac­ti­ces is an ad­van­ta­ge but not required.

SAFe® Certification

Af­ter com­ple­ting the cour­se, par­ti­ci­pan­ts take a fi­nal quiz to de­mons­tra­te their un­der­stan­ding. A score of 100% is re­qui­red to pass, but don’t worry — the­re is no li­mit to ret­a­kes and they are free. If ques­ti­ons are ans­we­red in­cor­rect­ly, hel­pful hints gui­de par­ti­ci­pan­ts to the re­le­vant con­tent, en­su­ring you can re­vi­se your know­ledge and suc­cessful­ly com­ple­te the test.

Teil­neh­men­de, die den Test be­stehen erhalten:
  • A SAFe for Hard­ware (HW) cer­ti­fi­ca­te that con­firms your know­ledge of in­te­gra­ting SAFe into hard­ware development.
  • A SAFe for Hard­ware di­gi­tal badge
  • 1 year membership
  • Ac­cess to a va­rie­ty of lear­ning re­sour­ces to sup­port you in your fur­ther SAFe journey.