Product Owner / ‑Manager (POPM)

This two-day in­ter­ac­ti­ve work­shop be­g­ins with the prin­ci­ples of SAFe®, Lean thin­king tools, Agi­le de­ve­lo­p­ment prac­ti­ces at sca­le, and an over­view of the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work. Teams will then learn the Pro­duct Ma­na­ger and Pro­duct Ow­ner ro­les in the en­ter­pri­se, how to ma­na­ge the en­ter­pri­se back­log, de­li­ve­ring fea­tures, Agi­le re­qui­re­ments, the events wi­thin SAFe, and fi­nal­ly, stake­hol­der ma­nage­ment. At the end of this work­shop, at­ten­de­es will have the tools and know­ledge they need to wri­te Epi­cs, Fea­tures, and User Sto­ries wi­thin the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work, and have a so­lid foun­da­ti­on on how to ma­na­ge pro­grams in the Lean-Agi­le En­ter­pri­se. An op­tio­nal SAFe Pro­duct Manager/Product Ow­ner cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is of­fe­red at the end of the class.

De­ve­lop the skill­sets nee­ded to gui­de the de­li­very of va­lue in a Lean En­ter­pri­se by be­co­ming a SAFe® Pro­duct Owner/Product Ma­na­ger (POPM). At­ten­ding the class pre­pa­res you to take the exam and be­co­me a cer­ti­fied SAFe® Pro­duct Owner/Product Ma­na­ger (POPM).

Price and registration

The cos­ts are CHF 1,450 excl. VAT. In ad­di­ti­on, ear­ly boo­kers re­cei­ve a 5% dis­count. Re­gis­tra­ti­on ta­kes place via the ap­pro­pria­te trai­ning date of your choice. The cour­se link or but­ton will then take you to the re­gis­tra­ti­on page.

POPM training registration

Pro­duct Ow­ner / ‑Ma­na­ger (POPM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Thu, 3. Apr, 8:30Fri, 4. Apr, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Ste­phan Neck SPCT
Pro­duct Ow­ner / ‑Ma­na­ger (POPM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 26. May, 8:30Tue, 27. May, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Ste­phan Neck SPCT
Pro­duct Ow­ner / ‑Ma­na­ger (POPM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 11. Aug, 8:30Tue, 12. Aug, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Fre­de­rik Zim­mer­mann SPC
Pro­duct Ow­ner / ‑Ma­na­ger (POPM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 13. Oct, 8:30Tue, 14. Oct, 17:00 CEST 
Trai­ner: Sacha Czu­dek SPCT
Pro­duct Ow­ner / ‑Ma­na­ger (POPM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Tue, 9. Dec, 8:30Wed, 10. Dec, 17:00 CET 
Trai­ner: Fre­de­rik Zimmermann
Pro­duct Ow­ner / ‑Ma­na­ger (POPM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 19. Jan 2026, 8:30Tue, 20. Jan 2026, 17:00 CET 
Trai­ner: Fre­de­rik Zim­mer­mann SPC
Pro­duct Ow­ner / ‑Ma­na­ger (POPM 6.0)
On­line Re­mo­te Training
Mon, 16. Mar 2026, 8:30Tue, 17. Mar 2026, 17:00 CET 
Trai­ner: Sacha Czu­dek SPCT

POPM in-house training

If you are in­te­res­ted in in-house trai­ning, plea­se cont­act us at We will make you an of­fer immediately!

Who will benefit?

The fol­lo­wing in­di­vi­du­als will be­ne­fit from this course:
  • Pro­duct Ma­na­gers, Pro­duct Line Ma­na­gers, Pro­duct Ow­ners, Busi­ness Ow­ners, and Busi­ness Analysts
  • So­lu­ti­on Ma­na­gers, Port­fo­lio Ma­na­gers, Pro­gram Ma­na­gers, PMO per­son­nel, and Pro­cess Leads
  • En­ter­pri­se, So­lu­ti­on, and Sys­tem Architects

Learning objectives of this Scaled Agile Framework Training

  • Pro­duct Ma­na­ger and Pro­duct Ow­ner ro­les in the enterprise
  • En­ter­pri­se Back­log Management
  • De­li­ve­ring Fea­tures in the Enterprise
  • Agi­le Soft­ware Re­qui­re­ments; wri­ting and si­zing Epi­cs, Fea­tures and User Stories
  • SAFe events and process
  • Stake­hol­der Management

Course content

  • In­tro­duc­tion to the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work (SAFe®)
  • Lean-Agi­le-Mind­set and SAFe principles
  • Key com­pon­ents of Agi­le Development
  • Role, re­spon­si­bi­li­ties and cha­rac­te­ristics of Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment and Pro­duct Owner
  • De­fi­ning Va­lue and Va­lue Streams
  • Tools of an ef­fec­ti­ve Pro­duct Ma­na­ger and Pro­duct Owner
  • Stake­hol­der Ma­nage­ment and Com­mu­ni­ties of Practice


Cour­se in ger­man or eng­lish, slides in eng­lish. Trai­ning in eng­lish or ger­man, slides in eng­lish. Ex­pe­ri­ence in Agi­le or exis­ting cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as Scrum Mas­ter, SAFe Agi­list or si­mi­lar is beneficial.

Assessment and certification

This trai­ning pre­pa­res you for the SAFe POPM Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on. At­ten­de­es who pass the exam will get:
  • SAFe POPM certificate
  • 1 year mem­ber­ship as SAFe POPM
  • SAFe POPM Bran­ding Kit with POPM badge