Flow Sphere+ Trainings

Agile training from the leading Swiss SAFe® Platinum SPCT Partner

We are your SAFe® Pla­ti­num SPCT Part­ner for trai­nings of the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work and fur­ther to­pics! We of­fer on-site Trai­nings and on­line Re­mo­te-Trai­nings for a pu­blic au­di­ence. We are also hap­py to of­fer in-house trai­nings for com­pa­nies and pri­va­te customers.
For in-house cour­se of­fers or any ques­ti­ons, plea­se cont­act us at academy@flowsphere.ch.
SPCT: SAFe® Pro­gram Con­sul­tant Trainer

Workshops & courses (public and customer-specific)

Value Stream Identification/Mapping

We sup­port you with our Va­lue Stream Identification/Mapping and Lean Port­fo­lio Ma­nage­ment Work­shops to de­fi­ne your best va­lue streams for your company.

Fly SAFe (Flight Levels Coaching)

Kan­ban sys­tems and their in­ter­ac­tions in a Lean Enterprise
(the miss­ing links bet­ween stra­tegy and ope­ra­tio­nal agi­li­ty).

Applied Lean-Agile UX

En­ti­re Agi­le Teams and ARTs will be en­ab­led to un­der­stand the es­sen­ti­al ele­ments of good UX and how to sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly ap­proach the de­ve­lo­p­ment of de­lightful ex­pe­ri­en­ces with sta­te-of-the-art tools and methods.


Lead by Ex­am­p­le (LBE) and Ac­ce­le­ra­ting Ch­an­ge Lea­der­ship (ACL) for Exe­cu­ti­ves and Busi­ness Owners.