Remote Trainings

Why should you take an online SAFe certification course with us?

  • Ac­qui­re Busi­ness Agi­li­ty com­pe­ten­ci­es.Cri­ses like COVID-19 now re­qui­re the in­di­vi­du­al and en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al skills and com­pe­ten­ci­es of Busi­ness Agi­li­ty like never before.
  • Ex­pe­ri­ence a bit of nor­mal­cy.Many peo­p­le now app­re­cia­te the op­por­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with others on­line, spend a few ex­ci­ting days tog­e­ther, ex­pe­ri­ence a cer­tain nor­mal­cy and may­be even laugh a litt­le together.
  • Flow Sphe­re cour­se qua­li­ty. As Flow Sphe­re, we gua­ran­tee the hig­hest cour­se qua­li­ty and the best lear­ning ex­pe­ri­ence for your re­mo­te training.
  • Af­ter Cour­se Sup­port. Af­ter the cour­se, we of­fer one-on-one ses­si­ons to deepen the ma­te­ri­al with you per­so­nal­ly and to op­ti­mi­ze your cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on success.

Scaled Agile rating and participant feedback

Ama­zing way of pre­sen­ting and group work gi­ven that we were not tog­e­ther in the same room.”

Good mix bet­ween pre­sen­ta­ti­on, group work and breaks.”

I en­joy­ed the cour­se a lot, I got to know a lot of new things and app­re­cia­ted the ef­fort of the in­s­truc­tors to run the cour­se online.”

Best remote experience

Our Aca­de­my Stu­dio Live­stream trans­forms your home of­fice into a vir­tu­al classroom.

  • Aca­de­my Live­stream - A di­rec­tor dy­na­mi­cal­ly crea­tes dif­fe­rent screen set­tings, so you can be­ne­fit from te­a­cher ex­pl­ana­ti­ons on the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, flip­chart, vi­de­os, SAFe Big Pic­tu­re, and more.
  • Group Work with other par­ti­ci­pan­ts is car­ri­ed out in vir­tu­al breakout-rooms.
  • In­ter­ac­ti­ve Exer­ci­s­es are done using in­tui­ti­ve web col­la­bo­ra­ti­on tools.
  • Trai­ner Live Ex­ch­an­ge is en­su­red in group dis­cus­sions and con­ti­nuous­ly via chat by mul­ti­ple SAFe rock­star trai­ners ha­ving SAFe black belts cal­led SPCT
  • Varie­ty & Fun. As al­ways, we make sure that the les­sons are va­ried, well struc­tu­red and pep­pe­red with some surprises.

Best-in-Class Tools

We have put tog­e­ther a ran­ge of the most mo­dern on­line tools for you, which you can also use well in your of­fice, for ex­am­p­le for dis­tri­bu­ted PI Plan­ning. The tools are very simp­le and in­tui­ti­ve so that they sup­port lear­ning and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and do not dic­tract from it.

  • Pro­fes­sio­nal live streaming
  • On­line col­la­bo­ra­ti­on tools such as in­ter­ac­ti­ve white­boards, group chat and vi­deo rooms

Best SAFe Trainers

Flow Sphe­re is the SAFe spe­cia­list with the hig­hest den­si­ty of ab­so­lu­te SAFe ex­perts in Switz­er­land. We are the peo­p­le who train other SAFe trai­ners and coa­ches. So, get the know­ledge right at the source.

  • Our trai­ners are SAFe SPCTs and the T makes a big dif­fe­rence, check out SAI.
  • All trai­ners have many ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence as trai­ners and coa­ches in dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies from dif­fe­rent industries
  • The trai­ners use many vi­vid ex­amp­les from real en­ga­ge­ments, so that the theo­ry be­co­mes li­ve­lier, more tan­gi­ble and understandable
  • Our cour­ses re­cei­ve top ratings

After Course Support

Your lear­ning suc­cess is im­portant to us, your jour­ney with us con­ti­nues af­ter the cour­se. We of­fer free one-on-one ses­si­ons to deepen the ma­te­ri­al and to en­su­re your cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on success