Training Overview

Agile training from the leading Swiss SAFe® Gold SPCT Partner

Wel­co­me to be your SAFe® Gold SPCT Part­ner for Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work trai­ning! With our Aca­de­my, we of­fer on­site trai­nings for a pu­blic au­di­ence, as well as on­line re­mo­te trai­nings. In ad­di­ti­on to SAFe, we of­fer Flow Sphe­re+ cour­ses on lea­der­ship, flight le­vels and ap­pli­ed lean-agi­le UX. If you are in­te­res­ted in an in-house trai­ning cour­se or if you have any other ques­ti­ons or con­cerns, plea­se cont­act us at
SPCTSAFe® Pro­gram Con­sul­tant Trainer

SAFe Core Trainings

SAFe Advanced Trainings

Flow Sphere+ Trainings

SAFe Core Trainings

Lead­ing SAFe Agi­list (SA) Thri­ving in the di­gi­tal age with busi­ness agi­li­ty. For lea­ders of a Lean-Agi­le in­itia­ti­ve who want to de­ve­lop a Lean-Agi­le mind­set and ap­p­ly the prin­ci­ples and prac­ti­ces of the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work® (SAFe®). SAFe® Agi­lists sup­port Agi­le Teams, as well as the pro­gram-le­vel Agi­le Re­lease Train (ART) and pro­gram port­fo­lio ma­nage­ment. You coor­di­na­te and car­ry out a Lean-Agi­le transformation.

Pro­duct Owner/ Pro­duct Ma­na­ger (POPM) De­li­ve­ring va­lue th­rough ef­fec­ti­ve Pro­gram In­cre­ment exe­cu­ti­on. For Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment Of­fice (PMO) pro­fes­sio­nals to ap­p­ly Lean-Agi­le va­lues and prin­ci­ples and eco­no­mic prio­ri­tiza­ti­on, and de­ve­lop skills wri­ting epi­cs, Ca­pa­bi­li­ties, Fea­tures, and user sto­ries wi­thin the con­text of SAFe. SAFe® PO/PMs enable pro­duct de­ve­lo­p­ment flow, dri­ve pro­gram exe­cu­ti­on, and ope­ra­te in the en­ter­pri­se to dri­ve the con­ti­nuous de­li­very of value.

SAFe Scrum Mas­ter (SSM) Ap­p­ly­ing the Scrum Mas­ter role wi­thin a SAFe® en­ter­pri­se. For Scrum Mas­ters lear­ning about their role in a SAFe en­ter­pri­se con­text. Learn to fa­ci­li­ta­te Team and Pro­gram Le­vel events for suc­cessful pro­gram exe­cu­ti­on, ex­plo­re Scrum in the con­text of the en­ti­re en­ter­pri­se, and be­co­me a ser­vant lea­der and coach. SAFe® Scrum Mas­ters help Agi­le Teams to de­li­ver the ma­xi­mum busi­ness va­lue that is achie­va­ble th­rough SAFe.

SAFe Ad­van­ced Scrum Mas­ter (SASM) Ad­van­cing Scrum Mas­ter ser­vant lea­der­ship with SAFe. For Scrum Mas­ters or equi­va­lent re­spon­si­ble for pro­gram exe­cu­ti­on. Learn sca­lable en­gi­nee­ring, De­vOps prac­ti­ces, and fa­ci­li­ta­te cross-team in­ter­ac­tions in sup­port of pro­gram exe­cu­ti­on and re­lent­less im­pro­ve­ment in an en­ter­pri­se en­vi­ron­ment. De­ve­lop a sys­tems view of the Scrum Mas­ter role in an en­ter­pri­se with a fo­cus on in­te­gra­ted prac­ti­ces for fa­ci­li­ta­ting teams in lar­ger Agi­le programs.

SAFe De­vOps (SDP) Op­ti­mi­zing Your Va­lue Stream. To com­pe­te in a dis­rup­ti­ve glo­bal mar­ket, every or­ga­niza­ti­on needs to de­li­ver va­luable tech­no­lo­gy so­lu­ti­ons at the speed of busi­ness. This re­qui­res a shared De­vOps mind­set among all the peo­p­le nee­ded to de­fi­ne, build, test, de­ploy, and re­lease soft­ware-dri­ven sys­tems— not just the en­gi­neers ope­ra­ting a CI/CD pipeline.


SAFe Advanced Trainings

Im­ple­men­ting SAFe (SPC) Achie­ving busi­ness agi­li­ty with the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work®. For Lean-Agi­le ch­an­ge agents im­ple­men­ting and ap­p­ly­ing the prin­ci­ples and prac­ti­ces of the Sca­led Agi­le Frame­work (SAFe), as part of an en­ter­pri­se Lean-Agi­le trans­for­ma­ti­on. SAFe® 5 Pro­gram Con­sul­tants (SPC) be­co­me trai­ners with SAFe cour­se­wa­re, coach teams, launch Agi­le Re­lease Trains (ARTs), and enable a Lean portfolio.

SAFe for Ar­chi­tects (ARCH) Ar­chi­tec­ting for con­ti­nuous va­lue flow with SAFe®. For Ar­chi­tects who en­ga­ge across the or­ga­niza­ti­on as ef­fec­ti­ve lea­ders and ch­an­ge agents. Ar­chi­tects ali­gn ar­chi­tec­tu­re with busi­ness va­lue and dri­ve con­ti­nuous flow to lar­ge sys­tems-of-sys­tems while sup­port­ing SAFe pro­gram exe­cu­ti­on. SAFe® for Ar­chi­tects pre­pa­res Sys­tem, So­lu­ti­on, and En­ter­pri­se Ar­chi­tects to en­ga­ge across the or­ga­niza­ti­on as ef­fec­ti­ve lea­ders and ch­an­ge agents who col­la­bo­ra­tively de­li­ver ar­chi­tec­tu­ral solutions.

SAFe Re­lease Train En­gi­neer (RTE) Fa­ci­li­ta­ting Lean-Agi­le pro­gram exe­cu­ti­on. For SAFe Re­lease Train En­gi­neers (RTEs) to enhan­ce their know­ledge and skills as a ser­vant lea­der and coach, ef­fec­tively plan and exe­cu­te a PI Plan­ning event, fos­ter re­lent­less im­pro­ve­ment in their en­ter­pri­se, and con­ti­nue their lear­ning jour­ney. SAFe® RTEs can fa­ci­li­ta­te and enable end-to-end va­lue de­li­very th­rough ARTs and lar­ge so­lu­ti­ons in an en­ter­pri­se SAFe environment.

Lean Port­fo­lio Ma­nage­ment (LPM) Alig­ning stra­tegy with exe­cu­ti­on. Crea­te a cul­tu­re of in­no­va­ti­on, fle­xi­bi­li­ty, and speed whe­re all peo­p­le in the port­fo­lio can ef­fec­tively exe­cu­te as one, uni­fied team. For exe­cu­ti­ves and lea­ders who want to cap­tu­re the cur­rent and fu­ture sta­tus of their port­fo­lio using Port­fo­lio Can­vas Tools and iden­ti­fy key in­itia­ti­ves to achie­ve their next goals. Lean Port­fo­lio Ma­nage­ment (LPM) is a cul­tu­re of in­no­va­ti­on and fle­xi­bi­li­ty in which all em­ployees in the port­fo­lio act ef­fec­tively as a team.

Agi­le Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment Using De­sign Thin­king to crea­te va­luable pro­ducts in the Lean En­ter­pri­se. The Agi­le Pro­duct Ma­na­ger harnes­ses the power of De­sign Thin­king to de­ve­lop in­no­va­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons with pro­ven SAFe ca­pa­bi­li­ties to exe­cu­te on tho­se vi­si­ons. Learn the mind­set, skills, and tools to crea­te suc­cessful products—from in­cep­ti­on to retirement—using Agi­le tech­ni­ques. Re­co­gni­ze how Con­ti­nuous Ex­plo­ra­ti­on fuels in­no­va­ti­on, helps to de­fi­ne a vi­si­on, stra­tegy, road­map to tap into new markets.



Ad­di­tio­nal­ly we sup­port you with our Va­lue Stream Identification/Mapping and Lean Port­fo­lio Ma­nage­ment Work­shops in the de­fi­ni­ti­on of your va­lue streams. Pro­per­ly de­fi­ned va­lue streams sup­port your im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of SAFe.

Cont­act us for more information

Was un­se­re Kun­den über un­se­re Schu­lun­gen sagen:

“It was clear that the trai­ners have a lot of prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence. They came up with a lot of real life scenarios.”

It was clear that the trai­ners have a lot of prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence. They came up with a lot of real life scenarios.”

“It is re­al­ly a plea­su­re to lis­ten to them — vi­vid with a good sen­se of humor.”

The trai­ners un­ders­tood very well how to op­ti­mal­ly in­te­gra­te the stu­dents into the mo­du­le. On the one hand about clear and in­te­res­t­ing group work, on the other hand about in­ter­me­dia­te pla­ce­ment (par­king lot) and la­ter in­te­gra­ti­on of our ques­ti­ons di­rect­ly into the cour­se content.”