General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

1. General

Flow Sphe­re AG pro­vi­des pu­blic trai­nings ex­clu­si­ve­ly ba­sed on the­se Ge­ne­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons. Ad­di­tio­nal or con­tra­dic­to­ry terms are ex­cluded. Ch­an­ges, ad­di­ti­ons and sup­ple­ments re­qui­re ex­pli­cit writ­ten con­fir­ma­ti­on by Flow Sphe­re AG. The­se terms and con­di­ti­ons do not ap­p­ly to other ser­vices, such as in-house cour­ses, coa­ching and consulting.

By sub­mit­ting an ap­pli­ca­ti­on to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a trai­ning cour­se, the ap­pli­cant con­firms their know­ledge of the­se terms and agrees to be bound by them.

2. Registration

An elec­tro­nic ap­pli­ca­ti­on (incl. e‑mail) is con­side­red to con­sti­tu­te a bin­ding booking.

To en­su­re high-qua­li­ty trai­ning, the num­ber of places available on the cour­se is re­gu­la­ted, and ap­pli­ca­ti­ons are trea­ted on a first come, first ser­ved ba­sis. Par­ti­ci­pant data are kept elec­tro­ni­cal­ly for ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on pur­po­ses. The re­quests are pro­ces­sed by Flow Sphe­re AG using elec­tro­nic data pro­ces­sing. The cus­to­mer agrees to the hand­ling of his data, as it has be­co­me dis­c­lo­sed to Flow Sphe­re AG via con­tract, to the ext­ent ne­ces­sa­ry for the busi­ness re­la­ti­onship. Per­so­nal data may be used ac­cor­ding to data pro­tec­tion re­gu­la­ti­ons by Flow Sphe­re AG and its part­ners. Ad­di­tio­nal use of per­so­nal and cus­to­mer data re­qui­res ex­pli­cit per­mis­si­on by the customer.

3. Course Fees

The fees lis­ted in the or­der con­fir­ma­ti­on are aut­ho­ri­ta­ti­ve for in­voi­cing. Our fees are lis­ted ex­clu­ding lo­cal VAT.

Pu­blished fees are sub­ject to ch­an­ge at any time wi­t­hout fur­ther no­ti­fi­ca­ti­on. The fees for at­ten­ding one of our cour­ses must be paid in the in­voice cur­ren­cy; they are due at the first day of the cour­se un­less sta­ted other­wi­se. Par­ti­al at­ten­dance of our cour­ses does not per­mit you to re­du­ce the cour­se fee. If the pay­ment pe­ri­od is ex­cee­ded, we may pass de­lay in­te­rests to your ac­count wi­t­hout fur­ther no­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons; ac­cor­ding to le­gal regulations.

The cour­se fee in­cludes the ma­te­ri­al as de­scri­bed in the trai­ning de­scrip­ti­on, as well as be­ver­a­ges and cof­fee du­ring the training.

4. Cancellation and Retraction

The re­gis­tra­ti­on is bin­ding. In case of a cir­cum­ven­ti­on, you can ch­an­ge or can­cel your re­gis­tra­ti­on up to 15 days be­fo­re the cour­se start. Fol­lo­wing con­di­ti­ons ap­p­ly to ch­an­ges or can­cel­la­ti­ons af­ter this period:

  • Ch­an­ge (Par­ti­ci­pant) – free
  • Ch­an­ge (Date) — 10% of cour­se fee.
  • Can­cel­la­ti­on or Ab­sence — 100% of cour­se fee.

Im­ple­men­ting SAFe Trai­ning: If you are unable to par­ti­ci­pa­te in an Im­ple­men­ting SAFe trai­ning, you can de­re­gis­ter free of char­ge from a cour­se in wri­ting or by te­le­pho­ne at least 22 working days be­fo­re the start of the cour­se. This is due to our con­trac­tu­al ob­li­ga­ti­ons with our trai­ning part­ner Sca­led Agi­le Inc.

Flow Sphe­re AG will de­ci­de about the cour­se exe­cu­ti­on not la­ter than 15 days be­fo­re cour­se start. We re­ser­ve the right to can­cel a cour­se due to or­ga­niza­tio­nal or tech­ni­cal re­asons. In case of a can­cel­la­ti­on by Flow Sphe­re AG, you are en­tit­led to a re­sche­du­ling of the cour­se date or full re­fund of the cour­se fee; fur­ther claims do not persist.

In case of a group re­ser­va­ti­on of 5 or more par­ti­ci­pan­ts, dates and num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts are bin­ding from the boo­king date.

5. Change of Course Execution

We re­ser­ve the right to ch­an­ge cour­se dates, lo­ca­ti­ons and trainers.

6. Course Benefits

Du­ra­ti­on, pri­ce, ob­jec­ti­ves, con­tent, tar­get au­di­ence, pre­con­di­ti­ons and de­tails about the exe­cu­ti­on of a cour­se are lis­ted in the cour­se description.

7. Licensing and Copyright

The be­ne­fits in­clude the exe­cu­ti­on of the cour­se, and the pro­vi­si­on of cour­se ma­te­ri­als for la­ter use of the par­ti­ci­pant. Flow Sphe­re AG grants li­mi­t­ed rights to the par­ti­ci­pant. The par­ti­ci­pant is en­tit­led to use any cour­se ma­te­ri­al for own and in­ter­nal pur­po­ses only. Ad­di­tio­nal per­mis­si­ons are re­ser­ved by Flow Sphe­re AG, espe­ci­al­ly trans­la­ti­on, re­print and re­dis­tri­bu­ti­on of cour­se ma­te­ri­als or parts of them. No part of the trai­ning ma­te­ri­al may be re­pro­du­ced, pro­ces­sed using elec­tro­nic sys­tems, prin­ted or used for pu­blic pre­sen­ta­ti­on — even for the crea­ti­on of own cour­ses — wi­t­hout writ­ten per­mis­si­on by Flow Sphe­re AG. The re­cor­ding of pu­blic cour­ses using elec­tro­nic sys­tems (au­dio / vi­deo) is not per­mit­ted wi­t­hout per­mis­si­on by Flow Sphe­re AG.

8. Warranty

Flow Sphe­re AG pro­vi­des li­mi­t­ed war­ran­ty for da­ma­ges cau­sed by gross ne­gli­gence or de­li­be­ra­te in­ten­ti­on. In case of gross ne­gli­gence, the lia­bi­li­ty is li­mi­t­ed to ty­pi­cal avera­ge claims ac­cor­ding to the type of ser­vice, as ty­pi­cal to the con­tract, and pre­dic­ta­ble da­ma­ges. This ext­ents to le­gal re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves and ser­vice pro­vi­ders of Flow Sphe­re AG. Ci­vil war­ran­ty is ex­cluded, to the le­gal ext­ent of Swiss law. In case of a cour­se can­cel­la­ti­on due to force ma­jeu­re, the lia­bi­li­ty for vain­ly ar­ri­ved cour­se par­ti­ci­pan­ts is li­mi­t­ed to max. CHF 100.00 per person.

9. Miscellaneous

Flow Sphe­re AG is per­mit­ted to use the ser­vices of third par­ties for the exe­cu­ti­on of their cour­ses, re­gard­less of type and con­tent of the par­ti­cu­lar cour­se. Swiss law ap­pli­es to the con­tract re­la­ti­onship and its exe­cu­ti­on. If one or more terms of the­se Terms and Con­di­ti­ons should be in­ef­fec­tu­al, the con­tract par­ties will re­place the in­ef­fec­tu­al or in­com­ple­te re­gu­la­ti­on ap­pro­pria­te­ly, in the spi­rit of the de­si­red re­gu­la­ti­on. The va­li­di­ty of other re­gu­la­ti­ons re­mains un­touch­ed. Flow Sphe­re AG re­ser­ves the right to ch­an­ge their cur­ri­cu­lum and their Terms and Con­di­ti­ons any time. The ef­fec­ti­ve con­di­ti­ons upon con­clu­si­on of the con­tract re­main va­lid, which you will re­cei­ve with your cour­se con­fir­ma­ti­on. The ac­ti­ve Terms and Con­di­ti­ons can be re­trie­ved from our website.

Court of ju­ris­dic­tion is CH­-5443 Niederrohrdorf.