Flight Levels

Lean Thinking and the path to business agility

A flow-ba­sed sys­tem es­tab­lishes in­no­va­ti­on speed and ma­xi­mum flow of busi­ness va­lues.
Such a sys­tem al­lows to de­tect op­por­tu­ni­ties and th­re­ats in the busi­ness and to re­act faster.

Every organisation/company needs a Va­lue Stream Ma­nage­ment that ap­pli­es Lean Thin­king prin­ci­ples:

  1. Pre­cis­e­ly de­fi­ne the va­lue for each product/solution
  2. Iden­ti­fy the va­lue stream for each product/solution
  3. Let the va­lue stream flow wi­t­hout interruptions
  4. Let the cus­to­mer pull the va­lue from the ma­nu­fac­tu­rer (exis­ting so­lu­ti­on), or the ma­nu­fac­tu­rer in­no­va­tes and the cus­to­mer va­li­da­tes (in­no­va­ti­on)
  5. Pur­sue perfection

We view the organisation/company as a sys­tem of 3 le­vels (Flight Le­vels) with lin­ked and de­pen­dent goals:

  • Flight Le­vel 1 (FL1): De­ve­lo­p­ment and ope­ra­ti­ons — Teams and in­di­vi­du­als who get the job done, develop/maintain the pro­duct, and help customers.
  • Flight Le­vel 3 (FL3): Stra­tegy — The North Star, which pro­vi­des di­rec­tion and priority.
  • Flight Le­vel 2 (FL2): Coor­di­na­ti­on — The link bet­ween FL1 and FL3
    • Coor­di­na­ti­on across va­lue streams (port­fo­lio)
    • Coor­di­na­ti­on wi­thin va­lue streams (bet­ween teams).

Flight Le­vels is a thin­king mo­del that shows a sys­tems ar­chi­tec­tu­re con­nec­ting all (agi­le) teams …

by me­ans of 5 ac­ti­vi­ties (vi­sua­li­ze si­tua­ti­on, crea­te fo­cus, es­tab­lish agi­le in­ter­ac­tions, me­a­su­re pro­gress, in­itia­li­ze improvements) …

on 3 flight le­vels.


Source: Flight Le­vels — A short in­tro­duc­tion (S. Kal­ten­ecker, K. Leo­pold, d.punkt Verlag)



  • FLIN — In­tro­duc­tion into Flight Levels

Build your Flight Levels System

  • FL2D — Flight Le­vel 2 Design
  • FL3D — Flight Le­vel 3 Design

Support organization-wide change with Flight Levels

  • FLSA — Flight Le­vels Sys­tems Architecture

Flow Sphere — Flight Levels Academy Workshop Partner

FL­Pro pro­fi­le — Ste­phan Neck

FL­Pro pro­fi­le — Na­gesh Sharma

Flight Level in-house training

Are you in­te­res­ted in an in-house trai­ning? Plea­se cont­act us: academy@flowsphere.ch.
We’ll send you an of­fer as soon as possible!

Price and course registration

You can re­gis­ter on­line for the Flight Le­vel trai­nings. Use the re­gis­tra­ti­on form for the ap­pro­pria­te cour­se date (see links to the dif­fe­rent courses).

  • The cour­ses take place re­mo­te­ly or on-site (ex­cept FLIN).
  • The cos­ts per par­ti­ci­pant are CHF 1’950.- (excl. VAT).
  • Ear­ly bird dis­count un­til 4 weeks be­fo­re the cour­se: 15%.
  • For par­ti­ci­pan­ts from the Eu­ro­pean Com­mu­ni­ty, the in­voice will be is­sued in Euro (EUR) at the dai­ly ex­ch­an­ge rate, if the cour­se has not al­re­a­dy been quo­ted in Euro.

Plea­se cont­act us for group dis­counts or re­quest a quote/offer for an in-house course.

Overview Flight Level Remote Trainings

We in­vi­te you to par­ti­ci­pa­te in one of the next FL re­mo­te trainings!
Sel­ect your ap­pro­pria­te cour­se from the sug­gested list. To re­gis­ter, plea­se sel­ect the cor­re­spon­ding cour­se link.


At the mo­ment the­re are no plan­ned FL2D trainings.


At the mo­ment the­re are no plan­ned FL3D trainings.


At the mo­ment the­re are no plan­ned FLSA trainings.